Kuldeep S. Clair, as an expert solicitor, tells the story of one of his recent cases: This question commonly arises particularly when an employee does not have the right to claim unfair dismissal due to short length of service. Or otherwise, it may be especially important where the employee is lucky enough to be entitled
Kuldeep S. Clair, Consultant Solicitor, offers his views In employment cases, it is generally crucial for there to be a fair investigation before an employee is dismissed for an allegation of misconduct. All relevant evidence must be heard. The employer must show that he has not acted unreasonably, or for underhand motives when dismissing. The
Kuldeep S. Clair, Consultant Solicitor, offers his views It might seem rather self-serving for a solicitor to discuss: (1) what makes a good lawyer, and (2) how can you be a good client? But these are important questions and it is helpful for clients to bear them in mind in assessing whether there is something